Our team

Dr. Andrei Kholkin

Team Leader

Dr. Andrei Kholkin received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from the St. Petersburg State University and Ph.D. degree from the A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia. In consequent years, he held research positions in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) and Rutgers University (USA). He is currently a research coordinator and head of the functional imaging and nanocharacterization laboratory of CICECO. His group develops multifunctional materials (including ferroelectrics and multiferroics) and scanning probe microscopy techniques. He is a coauthor of more than 350 technical papers in this area including numerous reviews and book chapters. He was a coordinator of two European projects on multifunctional materials and serves as an Associate Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (TUFFC) and member of editorial boards of several scientific journals. He is a member of the Ferroelectric Committee of IEEE and was a recipient of the “Excellency” award from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. He has been a Technical Committee member of several international conferences and cofounded a new conference series on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy. He was a guest editor of the special issues on ferroelectrics in TUFFC, Journal of Applied Physics and Materials Research Society Bulletin. Dr. Kholkin is a Fellow of IEEE (class 2012), and member of Materials Research Society and Portuguese Materials Society. His research are include multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for memory and sensor applications, ferroelectric polymers, metal organic frameworks (MOF), and self-assembled peptides, sensors and actuators, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), vibrational and thermal energy harvesting systems, dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of materials and structures, processing, characterization and applications of dielectrics, piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, nanoscale properties of functional materials via scanning probe techniques and carbon-based materials/graphene.

BCMaterials – Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures


BCMaterials, Basque Center on Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, is an autonomous research center launched in June 2012 by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as a research center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures. The center is included in the BERC’s (Basque Excellence Research Centers) network and its mission is to generate knowledge on the new generation of materials, turning this knowledge into (multi)functional solutions and devices for the benefit of society.

We develop, evaluate, understand and implement materials for sensors and actuators which are critical for the internet of Things and Industry 4.0. We research on materials for advanced biological and biomedical applications and materials for energy (both generation and storage), among others, paradigms fields that are shaping modern technological drives.

Our commitment with society ranges not only in research, development and technology transfer, but also in outreach and the formation of the new generation of great scientists.

Thus, feel free to navigate in through webpage to realize our motivation and competences and to check our main results. Also come to visit and contact us for collaboration, technology transfer or just for knowing the newest developments in advanced materials.


Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez
Prof. Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez

Team Leader

S. Lanceros-Mendez graduated in physics at the University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Physics of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. He was Research Scholar at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA and has been visiting scientist at the Pennsylvania State University, USA and University of Potsdam, Germany, among others. From 1998 he has been at the Physics Department of the University of Minho, Portugal, where he is Associate Professor. From 2012 to 2014 he was also Associate Researcher at the INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. In January 2016 he joined the BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, where he is Ikerbasque Research Professor and Scientific Director.

His work is focused in the area of advanced and functional materials for sensors and actuators, energy and biomedical applications, with over 490 ISI papers and 10 patents in the field. In all these research areas S. Lanceros-Méndez has achieved novel and relevant contributions such as the demonstration of the applicability and suitability of piezoelectric materials for tissue engineering applications, the proposal of a new method for the measurement of the magnetostriction of magnetic nanoparticles, based on the magnetoelectric effect, the development of novel high performance magnetoelectric materials, sensors and actuators, the development of highly stretchable piezoresistive materials and sensors that can be applied by printing technologies, and the development of novel processing methods for piezoelectric polymers, among several other highlights. Thus, his works have been published in high ranked journals, such as Progress in Polymer Science, Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Nanoscale, ChemSusChem, Applied Materials and Interfaces, among others. Several of his papers have reach the marks of “highly cited papers” and/or “most downloaded papers” in their area/journal. He has published 7 topical reviews and has given over 40 invited talks in major conferences, seminars and workshops. Overall he has over 300 conference presentations. He has been guess editor of Ferroelectric and IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (2012), and has been in the organization committee of several conferences. He has written several book chapter is his areas of expertise and, in particular, he has been co-editor of the first book on Polymer Based Magnetoelectric Materials (Wiley) and is co-editing the first book on Printed Batteries (Wiley). At the University of Minho he started a group on Electroactive Smart Materials that nowadays is among the leaders in its field. This has led to the fact that more than 140 students have obtained expertise/ degree under his supervision, including post-doctoral fellows (over 16), PhD (over 25), master (over 100) and undergraduate degrees. Together with the scientific achievements, the technologies developed in his group resulted in 10 patents and three spin-of companies, Somática M&S, Acutus and NanoPaint, in the areas of sensors, materials and equipment’s and active inks for active materials printing, respectively. The first two are already consolidated companies; the latter is in its way. Further, he works closely with national and international industries (Dynasol, Amtrol-Alfa, Bosch, among others) as well as technology centres in applied projects and technology transfer. Finally, he has an excellent record on securing funding for his research and students, has an extensive network of high level colaborators (e.g. U-Cambridge, UK, TU-Dresden, Germany, U-Wollongong, Australia) and has been active in the coordination or research projects, pedagogical grades and scientific institutions. With respect to the later, he has integrated the Scientific Council of the School of Science of the University of Minho, the directive commitee of BCMaterials, he has been the coordinator of the research line on “Functional and smart materials and surfaces for advanced applications” at the Center of Physics of the University of Minho as well as the director of the Center of Physics of the University of Minho.



Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine established in 1929. In 1921 at the Kyiv Regional Department of Education a Physics research laboratory was organized, which in 1922 was transformed into the Kyiv Science-Research Department of Physics at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. On January 1, 1929, the Department of Physics was reorganized into the Science-Research Institute of Physics of the People’s Commissariat of Education of the USSR, which was reordered by NASU (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – Ukrainian: “Всеукраїнська академія наук”) in 1932 and was renamed into the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1936. The organizer and the first director of the Institute was O.H. Holdman, elected in 1929 as an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the Department of Physics.

For outstanding scientific achievements scientists awarded the Lenin Institute, four USSR State Prize and 18 State Prize of Ukraine, as well as prizes NAS of Ukraine and international awards. Among the developments of the institute, which were introduced, it’s worth mentioning metal cryostats, bolometers, used in space studies that krio-surgical tools, lasers and receptors. In particular, for the needs of over than fifty industries, Industrial Research Institute of USSR until the early 70’s released the developed FESS high sensitivity based on silver sulfide.

For many decades the Institute has close business relationships with leading universities in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine. At different times, professors of Kyiv University. Shevchenko was Davydov, VE Dyachenko, VE Lashkaryov, N.D.Morhulis, VI Liashenko, O.F.Nyemets, NV Pasichnyk, S.I.Pekar, OH Sitenko, KB Tolpyho. Today, professors and teachers of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National Technical University (KPI), Kyiv Mohyla Academy and other universities of the capital is the leading scientists of the Institute. They created a new department, taught courses, postgraduate exercised.

The main objective of the Institute is to carry out fundamental and applied research aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge in physics, promote scientific and technological, socio-economic and spiritual development of society.

In 2004, the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine approved the following major research areas Research Institute:

  • condensed matter physics, including the physics of soft matter;
  • nanophysics and nanoelectronics;
  • physics of lasers, nonlinear and singular optics, holography;
  • surface physics, and plasma emission electronics.

As part of the approved areas of priority are:

  • physics of nanostructures, including heterostructures in semiconductors, nanostructured liquid crystal nanoparticle solids;
  • theoretical and experimental studies of quasiparticles (electrons, excitons, phonons, magnons, plasmons) and the process of their interaction with each other and with defects in condensed media;
  • physics of liquid crystal and polymer environments;
  • fundamental study of the interaction of laser radiation with matter and the development of scientific fundamentals of laser technology;
  • study of adsorption and electronic phenomena and phase transitions on the surface of solids;
  • study of ion beam methods and management;
  • physics of biological systems.



Anna Morozovska
Dr. Anna Morozovska

Team Leader

Dr. Anna Morozovska is a Leading Scientific Researcher in Department of Physics of Magnetic Phenomena. She is an author of 237 publication with h index – 48 and more than 6900 total citations. Her research interests cover areas such as ferroics and multiferroics, including ferroelectrics, ferromagnetics, magnetoelectrics and related materials, analytical theory of finite size, surface and correlation effects in ferroelectrics, multiferroics, their local properties and domain structure, interfaces effects, flexoelectricity and related phenomena, piezoelectric force microscopy, local piezoelectric response of ferroelectrics and related materials along with domain structure visualization, electrochemical strain microscopy, mixed ionic-electronic conductors.

Uzhhorod National University

Uzhhorod National University belongs to classic universities of Ukraine, holding the highest 4th level of accreditation. It is one of the largest and best universities of the Carpathian region, situated in a wonderful student city Uzhhorod on the slopes of the Carpathian Mountains in Western Ukraine. The university is young, it was founded in 1945 but it has acquired a well-deserved reputation in a scientific world, becoming the landmark and the alma-mater for generations of students who are working successfully both in Ukraine and other countries of the world. Uzhhorod University has formed powerful scientific schools of the world acclaim. It collaborates with many top universities abroad.

Uzhhorod National University enables the students to fully realize their potential and become well-rounded persons. At present about 15,500 students study here. The university provides training programs in 9 specialities of Junior Specialist qualification, as well as in 36 fields of Bachelor programs and 84 fields of Specialist and Master Programs. The innovation triad is being implemented in all fields and specialities: the extensive foreign language learning, mastering of information technologies and promoting intensive informational ties on different levels.

Uzhhorod National University has developed an internationalization strategy (https://www.uzhnu.edu.ua/uk/infocentre/get/20139). In addition, some internationalization principles are also fixed as separate articles of the Statute of UzhNU. Among the main components of which is the development of international cooperation and internationalization. The academic mobility is very significant in the conceptual development of the University.


Prof. Yulian Vysochansky

Team Leader

Technical University of Denmark

DTU is recognized internationally as a leading university in the areas of the technical and the natural sciences, renowned for our business-oriented approach, our focus on sustainability, and our amazing study environment.

Founded in 1829 with the mission of creating value for the benefit of society, DTU is an international elite technical university where education, scientific advice, and innovation rest on a solid foundation of world-class research.

The University is at the academic and multidisciplinary forefront of the technical and the natural sciences with new initiatives in a number of demanding engineering disciplines, including sustainable energy technology and life science. Research underpins all our work. Technology is created through the synergy of research, education, innovation, and scientific advice and by innovative researchers who work at the cutting edge in global partnerships. 11.200 students are educating themselves for the future, and 6,000 employees focus each day on education, research, consulting and innovation, which contribute in creating value, welfare, and growth.

DTU has an entrepreneurial spirit, harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of our students, staff, and the people we work with. Ideas are unleashed and carried into society and industry where they make a difference.


Vincenzo Esposito
Prof. Vincenzo Esposito

Team Leader

Research area: Nanoionics, Solid-State defect chemistry, Functional metal oxides, thin-film, 3D printing, Energy technologies

His research lies at the frontiers between nanoionics, solid-state chemistry, and advanced materials processing. I am especially engaged with the challenge of tailoring functional metal oxides to achieve high performance and new properties in the nanoscale. He conceived nano-confinement of highly defective metal oxides to achieve new stability domains and tune electrical and electromechanical properties. We also have disclosed the effect of oxygen defect configuration in nano-domains on gigantic electro-chemo-mechanical-response in defective metal oxides such as cerium oxide.

Graphene Energy Ltd

The Graphene Energy Ltd is a company founded in February 2022 in Wroclaw. The main course of activities is commercialization of the solutions related to the use of graphene-based catalysts for the conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol. The company develop production technology of graphene and its derivatives, as well as composites based on these structures. At present, intensive works are carried out on graphene catalysts (in form of layers, ceramics, foams and composites) and the study of their interaction with infrared light. Composites based on thermoplastic polymers (for 3D printing), paints and varnishes are also being developed. In order to obtain high-quality graphene and graphene oxide, the company’s employees developed a technology for producing graphene from graphite, allowing for an efficient and cheap way to obtain large amounts of the material. Second area of activity is development of materials that can be used in different energy harvesting applications. The company work also on customized materials prepared for its customers, for specific applications.


Dr. Pawel Gluchowski

Team Leader

A graduate of the Wrocław University of Technology (M. Sc. Eng. in Material Engineering), Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Physics, PhD degree) and Wrocław University of Economics (postgraduate studies in project management, Prince 2 certificate). Leader of three national projects and main contractor in eight national and two international projects (FP7, H2020), where he dealt with both research on innovative materials and project management. Author more than 80 international publications, 1 monograph and 4 patents (all international). Many scientific stays resulted in international cooperation with the Universities across the world and the development of a new class of optical and magnetic materials. During his research he also start cooperation with industrial partners to find best application for developed materials. Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer in three spin-off company dealing with commercialization of discovered and patented innovative magnetic soft materials.


Starting in February 2014, the project was born from the dream of bringing together the scientific world to the industry. The ability to apply the skills and innovative technologies that are being developed by researchers with extensive experience was a must. The i.nanoE project reached the finals of the iUP25k business idea competition in May 2014. With the formulation of the idea and the business plan, the project was awarded two grants from IAPMEI entrepreneurship allowing the founders to start a technological development. Since then many advances were made in the development of the first prototypes, creating partnerships and exposure of the project. Within one year of existence, i.nanoE was already a finalist in two entrepreneurship contests, the iUP25k and IDEup, obtained two grants to support entrepreneurship, made several scientific presentations at international conferences ANM 2014 and EDNANO 2014 and developed the first functional prototypes already with an applicable possibility.



André Pereira
Dr. André Pereira

Team Leader

PhD in Physics from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) in 2010. André is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of FCUP, Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Material Physics of the University of Porto (IFIMUP) and a visiting academic member of the Imperial College of London, UK.